He was born on 28th June, 1972, in Madrid but lives in Toledo now. During his childhood he developed a special interest in drawing, colour and photography, and soon started to submit his own creations to poster and bill contests for local fairs and festivities. In 1990, he decided to pursue Architecture studies at Madrid University, where he remained for four years, and where he distinguished himself for his outstanding love of the analysis of shapes and for his original interpretation of reality. It was then that he decided to venture into the world of oil painting.
1993 Madridejos Cultural Centre.
Madridejos (Toledo)
1994 Madridejos Cultural Centre.
Madridejos (Toledo)
2001 Spanish Cultural Centre
of Iberoamerican Cooperation.
Coral Gables. Miami (EEUU)
2001 Sun Trust Square Building.
Atlanta (EEUU)
2001 Spanish Embassy in Washington.
2003 Altadis Gallery. (Madrid)
2004 Soledad Arroyo Gallery.(Toledo)
2004 Irina Maldonado Gallery.(Toledo)
2005 IV Centenary Celebration of
Cervantes´”El Quijote”.Circulo de
Arte de Toledo.(Toledo)
2008 Saint Vicente Art Gallery, (Alicante).
2002 Caja Rural Cultural Centre.
Toledo (Toledo)
2002 Toledo Historical Archives Centre.
Toledo (Toledo)
2005 Osborne Cellars.
Malpica de Tajo.(Toledo)
2005 Caja Rural Cultural Centre.
Toledo (Toledo)
2008 Circle of Fine Arts of Toledo, (Toledo).
1992&1994 First Painting Prize,Contest of
Fair and Festivity Posters.
Madridejos (Toledo)
1993 Jury member for the 13th Art Festival
of Madridejos (painting).Toledo.
1995,2003&2004 Third Caja Castilla-La
Mancha Painting Prize.
Madridejos Town Hall.
1999 Designs for Aviaco Airlines
Nuevos Ministerios,Madrid.
2003 Works selected for Altadis Contest.
Autumn Show&Workshop”Salon of
D.José Hernández Professor of Fine
Arts(San Fernando School of Art,
2006-2007 Course-Workshop on Etching
&Engraving techniques(lino-
aquatint,etc on cupper).
Professor Rosa Hortelano.
Co-founder of Círculo de Arte
2007 One of the founders
of «GAMA»Group of
Artists from Toledo(Castilla La
2008 Course-Workshop " Drawing Teqniques " Saint Fernando School of Fine Arts ( Madrid ). Mr. José Hernández Professor of Fine Arts. ( San Fernando School of Art ) Madrid.
Señas Personales/Address Avda de América ,6- 1ºB
Tfno : (925)227613 juanjogamarro @ yahoo.com
cell 625548222 juanjogamarro@telefonica.net